Psychology Course Online | Universities Offering Degree Courses Online Psychology Study

Study Psychology Online covers the following aspects which could give you a good idea, information and psychology facts about the subject:


Let’s discuss this interesting Topic of Study Psychology Online in detail.

Study Psychology Online
Study Psychology Online

In the world of rapid technological advancements, the classroom has now shifted from a four walled room to an online learning experience. A number of universities around the globe are offering numerous courses in varied disciplines including psychology. One can opt for an online program if he/she cannot join or attend a full time regular course due to varied reasons.

Benefits of Online Education:

Joining an online course provides certain benefits. First and foremost advantage of an online course is the freedom to the attendee of the program to learn as and when they have time. Second the compulsion of being physically present, as in the case of regular courses can be dodged, in these cybernetic courses. Further, these programs are cheaper and in some cases even provide a faster (fast track programs) means to accumulate knowledge/degree as compared to the traditional class room learning. The online courses are flexible and enable the applicant to pick and choose the course which is appropriate and suitable according to their time schedule, along with the discretion to choose from an array of interdisciplinary courses.

Psychology Courses Online
Study Psychology Online

To successfully complete the course and reap the full benefits of the online courses, the attendee must have certain characteristics. This learning method is most beneficial if it is self-initiated as there is no one to motivate you to attend classes or complete the modules. The persistence to complete the course purely rests upon the will and perseverance of the student. One must be self-motivated to get educated through this method of learning. In addition, the person needs to be proactive in interacting with the faculty or other supporting staff because the biggest challenge in this form of learning is the lack of personal contact with the resource person. One has to actively reach out to the teachers and mentors through e-mails, and telephone. Lastly, one must be acquainted with the use of computers and its different modalities which are an essential component of online learning.

Psychology Online Courses:

Psychology is a science that embraces all aspects of human experience like functioning of brain, understanding and prediction of behavior, thinking process, emotions etc. It studies about the innate and acquired factors that shape the personality, intelligence, values, interests and attitudes. The discipline is attracting a number of heads from various professions who are keen to learn the working of human behavior. Many people from diverse walks of life study psychology and wish to earn a degree or a certified course to complement the knowledge of their respective fields.

Online Phd Psychology
Study Psychology Online

To cater the demand of the hour, many premium institutes around the globe have started online world campuses, which provide the recipient with an opportunity to learn psychology and many other certified courses. This helps those which do not have sufficient time for the traditional classroom teaching and are employed or preoccupied with other responsibilities. For a beginner in psychology, there are numbers of accredited courses and a range of degree options available to choose from. These degrees offer specialization in various sub-disciplines like business psychology, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, school psychology, educational psychology, sports psychology community, psychology etc. Though the online courses offered are professional in nature and requires the attendee to complete the necessary assignments, projects and internships, but it comes with a glitch. These courses cannot lead a student to earn a license to practice psychology in specialized disciplines. Thus, an online course in clinical psychology may acquaint student with psychopathology but does not allow him to practice as a clinical psychologist. Likewise, forensic psychology coursework does not permit the participants to work as a criminal psychologist.

Universities offering Online Psychology Courses:

The Stanford University, California, is one of the premium institutes that offer various short-term and diploma courses in psychology. It awards professional degrees and certifications for life-long learners1. Also many other US universities2 like Penn State University- world campus, Kaplan University, University of North Dakota are providing graduate, master’s and doctoral programs in varied fields of psychology like forensic psychology, educational psychology, industrial-organizational psychology etc. In UK, a number of courses and the universities offering them are accredited and listed by the British Psychological Society-BPS3. In India, institutes like Indian Board of Alternative Medicines4, offers a master’s degree in psychology. Indira Gandhi National Open University5 in India offers a post graduate certificate in Indian Psychology.

Abnormal Psychology Online Course
Study Psychology Online

For an online degree one must get enrolled in one of the courses offered by universities, but after carefully checking the legitimacy of the courses as there are many scams and low quality educational packages found more readily. The course materials, lectures, and interactive sessions all take place on the web, and the submission of modules and assignments is also over the web. Further, some educators provide live chat room sessions with the participants of the online course that serve as an important platform for interaction and exchange of ideas. This also beats the fallacy that online study is the lone study. Some courses also require the enrolled students to undergo some kind of internships or gain some practical experiences so as to learn the application of knowledge in real world scenario. Upon completion of the course, the evaluation is done through online tests and the certificate/degree is delivered to the student.

Online learning is the result of advancement of technology in the contemporary era that is beneficial for learning and has a bright future with scope.

References for Studying Psychology Online


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Psychology of Millennials | Five Facts You Must know About The New Gen-Y Called “The Millennials”

In this post, I discuss Psychology of Millennials covering the following aspects which could give you a good idea, information and psychology facts about the subject:


Let’s discuss this interesting topic of The New Gen-Y Called “The Millennials” in detail.

Soon the generation of baby-boomers is going to get retired and will be replaced by the millennial generation (The Gen-Y’ers) who are born in or after 1982. This new generation who is currently in the age-group of teens, 20s and early 30s is very tech-savvy and born and brought up in digital e-world of technology and very different from its earlier counterparts – Gen Xers and Boomers.

Psychology of Millennials
Psychology of Millennials

The Millennials is a generation who believes in frequent crisscrossing of globe to taste and live in diverse kinds of environment. Truly multitasker and stressed, this generation is cognitively overloaded with information and is suffering from what is called as ambition addiction and choice-overload.

The Millennials are Impulsive, Self-centered and Narcissist:

Psychology of Millennials
Psychology of Millennials

The Gen-Y has less patience than its past generations and is more self-focused wherein they do not want social control and obligations from binding relationships. They believe in taking independent decisions and want to take charge of the adult levels of responsibilities only when they feel the need to it. They have more narcissist tendencies meaning they have a grandiose sense of self-importance and are preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty and brilliance. They crave for admiration, praise and flattery and consider themselves unique or special from others. They are not much bothered about the needs and feelings of others and are generally haughty and arrogant in their interpersonal relationships. They are highly sensitive to self-criticisms and react to contrasting viewpoints with anger and rage.

The Learning Style, Attitude and Approach of Millennials:

Psychology of Millennials
Psychology of Millennials

This new Gen Y differs from Ge-Xers and boomers in their learning style, attitude and approach to see things around them. They believe in team work and group activities. They prefer to learn things by experiencing them rather than reading about them. They have a collaborative work style and believe that multitasking is essential to be successful and for achievement of goals. They have “It’s Cool to be Smart” attitude which means that they believe in both hard work and smart work.

The Millennials are Internet-savvy and fascinated with Technology:

Psychology of Millennials
Psychology of Millennials

According to research data, the highest percentage of internet users worldwide is the millennials. For this generation, computers and internet are not technology but a functional necessity and an integral part of their life. They have replaced time spent on TV with internet where they do many activities at one time like listening to music, playing games, socializing on networking websites, doing homework, making projects and learning the ways to earn. Instead of learning by reading books or writing things to memorize, they believe in reading information from the internet and cut/copy pasting them for future use. Mobiles, laptops, Notepads and Electronic gadgets are their lifeline. Screen-based entertainment is what they only know when it comes to relaxing or spending time leisurely.

The Gen-Y sees Workplace differently in terms of productivity and performance:

Millennials lay more importance to individualistic aspects of their work. They are well aware of the job market, salary outcomes and type of work role that they wish to take. For them, productivity and performance indicators are not linked to the number of hours spent on the job but on the quality outcomes that they are expected to achieve. Due to this, they seek fast progressions and rapid career advancement with superior job titles and fat salaries. They believe in developing new skills and continuous learning pedagogy. They ensure work life balance by living a meaningful and satisfying life outside the work.

The Gen-Y’ers are stressed, anxious and struggling with how to handle their free time:

In contrast to the Gen-X’ers and Boomers, the millennials have a more chilling lifestyle. They spent most of their time on networking in virtual world. They have poor sleeping habits and less number of hours of sleep. They have almost lost touch and feel of reading books which are replaced by mobiles and laptops, the anxiety—provoking devices. Their eating habits are erratic with either too frequently eating or having long hours of fasting which disturbs their body metabolism and make them prone to stress, strain and anxiety. This generation also struggles with time management. Though they are highly pressurized to excel, avoid risks and pick up every opportunity, they struggle with spending time productively and qualitatively.

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Psychology Research Assistant | 4 Must Know Facts On Research Assistant Psychology

In this post, I discuss Psychology Research Assistant covering the following aspects which could give you a good idea, information and psychology facts about the subject:

Psychology Research Assistant Post Summary

✔ Research Assistant Psychology Myth
✔ Psychology Research Assistant Jobs Reality
✔ Psychology Research Assistant Job Description
✔ Psychology Research Assistant Jobs Preparation


Let’s discuss this interesting topic of Psychology Research Assistant in detail.

Research Assistant Psychology Myth

Psychology Research Assistant
Psychology Research Assistant

Many people believe that psychology is a discipline which applies common intuitive understanding and reasoning to understand and resolve intricacies of human behavior. It can be studied by reading few bestsellers books & novels and one can guide others if one believes that s/he has a good understanding of working of human mind (in other words, can act as a psychotherapist or a counselor). As a matter of fact, by considering so, the person has believed to be in a MYTH!

Psychology Research Assistant Jobs Reality

Research Assistant Psychology
Research Assistant Psychology

Psychology, a discipline of Social Sciences, is an empirical scientific field whose facts are established through research-guided inquires and experiments that are replicated and generalized before being called as a psychology fact, theory or principle. The Research Psychology and Experimental Psychology, the two most significant sub-disciplines of psychology, use scientific methods and procedures to come to conclusions regarding human behavior. Students interested to explore about the generation of new knowledge in psychology generally pursue the academia route and benefit by taking research positions at a very early stage of education. Research Assistant and Research Associate are two such positions that attract students while pursuing psychology major and graduate coursework. The research experience gained by engaging in research process gives them a competitive edge along with direct experience of the scientific process.

Psychology Research Assistant Job Description

Psychology Research Assistant Jobs
Psychology Research Assistant Jobs

The Research Assistant jobs are meant to offer opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students to gain experience of research in psychology. Under direct supervision of a senior researcher, academician or a university professor, students obtain firsthand knowledge of conducting research. They assist in projects by getting involved at various stages of the entire research. They assist in literature review in which they are meant to search database engines and scholarly articles to see the relevant researches that have already been done on a particular topic of interest. At times, they do pilot testing in which they go for preliminary try-out of the research tool to see its validity for the topic of study. They are also guided to collect data by going into various settings. Various clerical tasks like mailing surveys, answering queries, photocopying, summarizing data and giving feedback to participants etc. also come under job roles of a research assistant. They are trained to take interviews, transcribe and analyze them according to the theme of the guided inquiry. Entering data into computers and analyzing them through statistical software are some of the other types of works done by them. The psychology research assistant is also responsible for doing follow-ups and preparing the first draft of results and findings of the research. In short, they are engaged at multiple steps of research in which their role is to run the research project on a daily basis.

Psychology Research Assistant Jobs Preparation

Research Assistant Jobs Psychology
Research Assistant Jobs Psychology

Research Assistant Jobs in Psychology are generally offered by colleges, universities and departments. Besides, governmental agencies, NGOs and private corporates also offer positions to hire research assistants for specific projects. A student looking for the research assistant position should start looking for it about 6 months to 1 year in advance according to the elective chosen in psychology major or the subject of specialization in graduate program. They can also choose to work with a specific mentor / supervisor / professor / scientist whom they believe is a pioneer in their area of interest. A thorough search for the position should be made using university websites, professor’s profiles and job search portals and gateways. They should also read descriptions, duties, work hour schedule and compensation offered in a research project. Depending on the settings, the research assistant positions can be paid or unpaid for the students. Likewise, research positions may or may not award credit scores to students. An aspirant must consider all these relevant factors before selecting a position as it will help in future career decision in psychology.

To conclude, an in-depth search and networking are critically essential to secure the best research assistant position for a student.

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