17 Psychological Tips To Know Personality Instantly

We are often loaded with pre-occupied information on meeting anyone for the first time. And that makes it tough to know their personality. That’s where understanding the way of communication becomes important. According to researchers, our body language conveys 55%, voice tonality contributes to 38%, and only 7% comes from our communication. Therefore, during the first meeting with someone, we need to consider these three factors, besides the appearance of the person. So, take notice of the below mentioned clues, in order to gain insight into people’s personality on your important or first meeting with the same.

17 Psychological Tips To Know Anyone's Personality Quickly - Image
17 Psychological Tips To Know Anyone’s Personality Quickly

1 – Eye Contact

More commonly, eyes are always known to be an opening or window of anyone’s soul. It is the context which helps to explain the importance of finding out the eye contact you are getting from others. For example, when a person is literally maintaining their eye contact constantly, it could mean there’s a romantic interest. There is a flip side to this too. During your eye contact, if the other party is reluctant in making an eye contact back to you then they are really nervous and most likely to be hiding any data or details. Moreover, while talking if their continuous non-blinking staring makes you uncomfortable then they are lying to you and something is hundred percent fishy.

2 – Eyebrows

Looking at someone’s eyebrow will easily tell the comfort level of a person. There are 3 significant emotions which will raise your eyebrows: fear, worry and surprise. On a casual and relaxed talk with your friend, try to raise your eyebrows. It is impractical to do and makes it obvious. Because raising eyebrows during any conversation over a topic where it’s least likely or unlikely to see the element of any surprise, worry or fear then obviously their level of discomfort is pretty high.

3 – Smile

When we smile, unlike the mouth, eyes don’t lie. Genuine smiles knock at your eye’s door, wrinkles the skin to create crow’s feet around them. People easily hide real feelings and thoughts in their smile. So, do look for wrinkles near their eyes whenever you have to know how genuine someone’s smile is. The missing of those wrinkles confirms the hidden matter behind their fake smile.

4 – What They Say

When someone is talking about their wonderful better half or praising their work colleagues on their meeting with you for the 1st time, then it is safe to believe that they are decent as well. Studies show that people who rate others to be loving, polite, kind and well-mannered are very much likely to have those traits in themselves as well. And the reverse could also be true. Which means describing others as nasty and manipulative and backstabbing others, would mean they possess similar traits too. It won’t be a surprise if such people do have a past of emotional dysregulation or cognitive distortion.

5 – Paralanguage

Paralanguage is known to be nonverbal communication which includes your tone, manner of speaking or pitch. Basically, it’s a fancy manner of speaking that you are required to put emphasis on how something is being said by someone. For example, when a response reflects monotone, the person seems to be not attached at all in your concept and is not willing to stay interested in the same. At times, there could be a display of sarcasm in the conversation too. When anyone is using sarcasm, what they mean is totally opposite of their words. So, carefully notice the emphasis they keep on the words and how they talk about it. It showcases all the clues to you on their true intentions.

6 – Side Glance

So this one is not pretty hard to find out. An individual who is warm and open in their meeting, will be looking directly in your eye and keep their body posture front facing to you. Meanwhile, if you are meeting someone but they quickly glance aside, that is an indication of a subconscious or natural body language which means they’re more or less looking to escape, stop and quit this discussion.

7 – Frequent Nodding

This trait will reflect an element of agreement with your message in usual. However, exaggerated nodding may display their anxiety about approval. When you’re discussing with someone, and they are nodding excessively, this tells that they are very much worried about what and how you are thinking about them, or sometimes it gives a message of incapacity to understand and follow properly with any of your instructions. On the flip side, nodding frequently might be unconscious gestures which are cues for others to get a move on – similar to when anyone keeps looking at their watch or touches their car keys.

8 – Chin and Jaw

During your conversation with anyone, if you notice that someone is rubbing their chin along with looking up, down or to the side, then definitely they are having a deep thought over something in that moment and they are trying hard to make any decision. Followed by a clenched jaw which signals the stress mechanism ongoing on the person. This whole picture displays a great level of discomfort, irrespective of what the person is telling or displaying in their behavior. The talk may be proceeding towards something they’re anxious about; or their mind being elsewhere, and they focus on the thing that’s stressing them out.

9 – Posture

How someone is carrying themselves tells a lot of indications on their self-confidence. For example, if anyone walks upright with straight shoulders & back and a forward gaze, it indicates that they feel great about themselves along with a high level of confidence. However, if anyone is leaning over and looking at the ground during their walk, it may leave a different impression. Not always true to say so, however, low confidence, self-belief and self-esteem could also be one of those reasons for such a situation for them.

10 – Rubbing Hands

It is often believed that your hands easily broadcast whatever the head has been thinking. A person rubbing hands together most likely indicates they have a positive feeling over something. People are often seen with this behavior whenever they’re hoping for a situation or opportunity, that something good is coming soon in their future, and they’re excited about it.

11 – Handshake

A person’s handshake can disclose many things.

Soft and flabby – shows that they are very possibly to be submissive in nature with a feeling of pushover.

Too hard & crushing – shows that they are probably domineering types.

The time duration is significant here. Too long is weird, while too short indicates some kind of conflict. It’s quite likely that the individual does not wish to make any strong connection in this case. Not to forget, non-availability of enough time to continue further could also be one of the reasons here.

12 – Leaning In, Or Away

A posture of leaning forward towards you highly represents the other party being absolutely interested in you. This is also seen in the form of giving respect too. When people are getting closer and leaning into you during a talk, it discloses that they wish to confide in you. It will make you feel trustworthy and valued. If a person is leaning back then, it shows that they are feeling tired of the discussion or most likely they are uncomfortable due to some reason.

13 – Holding or Carrying the Baby

This is a bit of a strange one but worth noting. If you meet first time with anyone who is a new mother, look for the arm they are holding the baby. Studies tell us that happy mothers tend to carry their infants or kids in the left arm. While depressed and stressed mommies usually hold their kids in the right arm.

14 – Crossed Legs and Arms

Did you ever talk with anyone who crossed their legs or arms during your conversation? If it’s your 1st date, or if you pitch anyone a new plan or idea, it doesn’t show a good indication. Crossed arms as well as crossed legs seem to be a physical barrier which is suggesting the other individual is closed with your thoughts. Even if they smile and engage in a pleasant discussion, their body language shows the story. According to psychology, crossed arms or legs, shows that an individual is physically, emotionally and mentally blocked off from what’s being presented to them. Meanwhile, in the same time interval, the movement or positioning of feet in a direction is also quite revealing about their nature too. Having a person sitting with their feet directing towards you is a great sign disclosing that they like you a lot. However, as soon as their feet direct along the door, it confirms that they have had enough now and wish to leave.

15 – Shoes

An individual’s shoes can also tell you very much about their personality. Apparently, we often create assumptions about someone’s shoes, but studies tell us that they are very much precise.

✔ Nervous people will be using new and totally clean shoes.

✔ Amiable types will be attracted towards practical shoes and use the same.

✔ Calm individuals have a habit or attraction for uncomfortable shoes.

✔ Aggressive one’s wear ankle boots Now take a glance and check your shoes.

Is your personality type fitting in with them? What do you think?

16 – Overall Appearance

How people dress & present themselves often speaks volumes about their personality. If an individual has their hair in place, pressed clothes, and showing attention to style, then they seem to be very detail oriented. While the one with a more casual wardrobe could be creative, or somewhat messy. And talk about those who are smelly and look unkempt. They are genuinely lethargic souls who lack in doing any effort for their good.

17 – Copying Body Language

In case you’ve not ever tried to notice people before, then this could be unknown for you. But you must look for it in the future, because when people mimic anyone’s body language, it means they are feeling so good about them, that they are willing to harmonize with them.

It indicates that the communication is flawless and smooth. Also, they are receiving your notion very well and are highly cordial as well as receptive to you. The process here happens unconsciously. Since no one moves around with an intention of copying anyone outrightly. However, once there’s a level of comfort with someone, we tend to develop a tendency to mimic them. Many people among us are quite good at reading the signs which people give off. Meanwhile, there are several others who lack this ability, that they will require from other individuals to come out and tell them clearly about whatever is going on in their mind. It’s not an easy skill to read these various signs displayed by people every now and then. However, it’s a fantastic skill to have should you learn to observe or understand it well. Needless to say, every person is unique in whatever they do. Hence, it might be or might not be appropriate and accurate to interpret their words and actions. Quite hopefully, with these details, you’ll be developing a better or new skill to read well the people you’re going to meet.

We want to know what you think! Whenever the first time you’re meeting people, what’s the first thing you usually notice about them? Let us know in the comments below. If you enjoyed this article, write in comments, and share it with your friends, so we can keep making them.

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Autism In A Nutshell

The information provided in this article is for educational purpose and can not be meant to diagnose or treat and must not take the place of personal consultation, as applicable, with a qualified healthcare professional.

Meaning of Autism - Image
Autism Definition

1. Understanding Autism: What is Autism?

2nd April is worldwide celebrated as World Autism Awareness Day. This is to bring sentience and cognizance among society to be more sensitive for needs and betterment of those suffering from Autism. In the year 2017, the Autism Societies across the globe have launched programs like ‘Autism Awareness Month’, ‘Autism Awareness Campaigns’ and ‘Autism Speaks’ in order to draw the attention of masses towards acceptance and awareness of the disease.

What’s Autism?

Autism is a lifelong condition that cannot be cured but managed through various supportive therapies and learning programs. It comes under the category of development disorder and characterized by deficit in cognitive, emotional, social and personal development. The people with autism have impaired ability to communicate and interact.

The Different Types of Autism:

Autism is a lifelong neurological disorder that comes under a broader group of disorders called “Pervasive Development Disorders”. The five disorders or five types of autism included under the family of Pervasive Developmental Disorders are-

✔ Autism
✔ Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Aspergers)
✔ Rett’s Disorder
✔ Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) and
✔ Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (often written as PDD-NOS).

Autism Foundation
About Autism

This classification in in accordance to DSM-IV criteria. In order to create a more dimensional classification system, the global changes in DSM-5 gave the diagnostic label of ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’ to three conditions-Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder and PDD-NOS. The Rett’s disorder and CDD have been excluded in the DSM-5 criteria.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

The Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism) is a range of disorders in which symptoms vary in a continuum from severe to less severe impairments. The disease usually affects children by 3 years of age and is characterized by persistent deficit in social communication and social interaction. There are unusual repetitive and restricted behavioral activities with no obvious purpose. The child lives in his/her own world and may show little or no interest in people around him.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment Image
What is Autism Spectrum

2. Characteristics of Autism : Autism Checklist

The characteristic symptoms of autism in children and adults are-

1. Deficit social communication
2. Deficit non-verbal communication
3. Lack of social interaction
4. Difficulty in maintaining relationships
5. Lack of social and emotional reciprocity
6. Repetitive rigid behavior and interests
7. Hyper or hypo sensitivity to sensory stimuli
8. Predictability and symmetry in routine
9. Restricted and fixated interests
10. Stereotyped motor and verbal behavior

3. Signs and Symptoms of Autism

The early signs and symptoms of autism can be seen in babies and toddlers as the disease usually manifests itself in the initial years of life. The disorder that usually starts in early childhood manifests itself fully in later life when social demands exceed the limited capacities of an autistic adult.

The clinical picture of autism is studied under the following headings-

A) Persistent deficit in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts

Deficit socio-emotional reciprocity:

This is exhibited as failure of normal back-and-forth conversation, reduced sharing of interest, emotions or affect, lack of initiation and response to social interactions.

Deficit non-verbal communicative behaviors:

The symptoms are- poorly integrated verbal and non-verbal communication, lack of facial expressions, difficulty in maintaining eye-contact, and limited use of gestures and body language.

Deficit in developing, maintaining and understanding relationships:

There is a lack of interest in peer group, difficulty in making friends and adjusting behaviors according to varying social context.

B) Restrictive and repetitive behavioral interests and activities

Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements:

This is displayed as lining up toys, flipping objects, use of idiosyncratic phrases and echolalia.

Ritualized pattern of verbal and non-verbal behavior:

For example, adherence to routines, insistence on sameness, eating same food or taking same route daily, rigid thinking patterns and unusual distress with little changes.

Rigid and fixated interests:

This is shown as strong attachment to objects and excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests.

Unusual interests in sensory environment:

The symptoms include marked indifference to pain / temperature, visual fascination with lights and movements and adverse response to a specific sound or texture.

The above symptoms are usually associated with marked impairment in social, educational, occupational and other functioning domains of life of an autistic person.

4. What causes Autism?

The following are some key theoretical perspectives, which attempt to explain the autistic behaviors-

1. The Mindblindness theory (The Theory of Mind, ToM; Simon Baron-Cohen, 2009)

The Mindblindness theory, also known as ‘mentalising’ or ‘mindreading’ theory, proposes that the autistic individuals have a delayed development of ToM and as a result they are unable to understand the motives, intentions and beliefs of others. They are incapable of understanding the perspective of others; especially if that perspective is different from their own. This is the reason that they find behaviors of others confusing, unpredictable and even frightening.

2. Central Coherence Theory (Frith, 1989)

According to the Central Coherence Theory, the autistic people lack central coherence due to which they cannot integrate information and remain focused on the small-localized details only. They perceive information of environment in small discrete fragments and are incapable of making a global and integrated interpretation. This theory explains communication deficits and echolalia in autistic individuals as they focus on the part of conversation instead of making meaning of the entire message.

3. Executive function theory

Executive Function is the higher–order cognitive functioning of the brain that controls and directs thought processes, movement and attention. In other words, executive function is a term that encompasses a variety of mental processes responsible for purposeful activity, such as planning, memory and activity focused attention. Proponents of this theory assume that the autistic people have impaired executive functions and thus, are poor in planning, self-organization, and directing and switching attention from one task to the other.

Despite recent advances in our knowledge of etiology, the exact cause of autism remains unknown and theories partially explains the cause of the disorder. Many researchers also believe that autism is genetic in nature and consider it a hereditary disorder. However, the true cause of the disease remains elusive.

5. Treatment of Autism : Treatment, Cure & Therapy for Austism

‘Can autism be cured?’ – A question that a clinical psychologist commonly encounters when dealing with the family and friends of people with autism. Unfortunately, till date, cure for autism does not exists. It is a lifelong neurological deficit that cannot be completely cured. However, early intervention and therapies can help an autistic child to develop the full potential. Thus, the goal of treatment is to improve the overall capability of the child to function to an optimum level. The following interventions help in the treatment of autism-

1. Diagnosing Autism:

The diagnosis of autism is possible even at ages as young as six months. It is highly recommended to screen and diagnose the children at an early age so that interventions can be started as early as possible. The diagnosis is usually done on the basis of DSM-5 criteria of the disease.

2. Autism Spectrum Therapies:

Autism spectrum therapies is a group of therapies given to children and adults suffering from autism in order to make them functional and improve their living standards. Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is a widely adopted behavioral training program based on the principles of learning. ABA fosters positive behaviors, eliminates negative behaviors, and inculcates a variety of desirable skills in an autistic child. The child learns the skills and apply in new situations. The various types of ABAs used in the treatment clinics and schools are- Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI), Discrete Trial Teaching and Pivotal response Training. The techniques use rewards, reinforcements, prompts as useful means to shape the behavior of a child.

3. Speech therapy:

As autism leads to deficit social communication and interaction, early speech therapy can help a child to be expressive of needs and desires. Training in verbal and nonverbal communication skills improves the ability of a child to connect with the environment.

4. Occupational therapy:

Occupational therapy is advisable for improving sensorimotor issues and sensory integration in autism. Learning to perform fine motor movements like dressing, using utensils, writing etc. makes a child independent and grow confident. Research shows that occupational therapy helps in improving the quality of life of autistic individuals.

5. Physical therapy:

Physical therapy teaches an autistic child to be more skilled in everyday activities like walking, sitting, hand-to-eye-coordination, balancing and better sense of positioning of the body in space. Physical therapy is generally included in the early intervention treatment program of autism.

6. Parental involvement and Community support:

Parental support and involvement are essential for the care of an autistic child. Parents should be taught to provide intensive care and training to the child. Besides, community awareness and acceptance of autism is essential for the suffering people to better adapt and thrive with the disorder.

7. Pharmaceutical treatment:

Though no medicine can permanently cure autism, certain drugs are helpful in ameliorating the behavioral symptoms. In the more severe forms, medications are required to control aggression, irritability, temper tantrums and self-injurious behaviors of autism.

Autism Grants
Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment

6. Living with Autism: Teaching children in classroom settings

The issue of teaching children with autism through mainstreaming in classroom settings is a controversial debate in academia and practical settings. Whether autistic children should be taught in general education settings along with their neurotypical peers or they should receive individualized instructions in special education classrooms is a matter of research that requires thorough investigation.

Presently, the increasing trend of mainstreaming disabled children with full inclusion is a mandate of government laws that facilitates students with disabilities to receive education in general settings. The criteria of full inclusion entails that there should be no special separate classes for children with disabilities. These children should attend local neighborhood schools and receive training and education in general education curriculum. The principle of least restrictive environment (LRE) states that the children with disabilities are to be taught with children without disabilities to the maximum extent possible. Only in certain extreme circumstances where the nature of disability is such that the supplementary aids and services are required for a disabled child, he/she should be put to a special school.

Many benefits of mainstreaming and full inclusion are documented in the literature. The mainstreaming helps autistic children to engage and learn behavior from their neurotypical peers Imitation of behavior through observational learning helps them perform tasks in better ways. There is a greater acceptance of both the groups for each other and they learn to be familiar with people who are different from them. Acceptance of autistic children by their neurotypical classmates develop their self-esteem and leads to better academic learning.

The social interaction of autistic children also improves while engaging with non- autistic children. The environment of special school exposes them to similar kinds of children and they have fewer opportunities to have social conversations with neurotypical peers. However, mainstreaming makes these opportunities wider and they have a chance to communicate with children without disabilities.

Besides these benefits, there are many drawbacks associated with the mainstreaming. There is a risk of autistic children being rejected from their classmates. Neglect is a common occurrence in schools where special training is not provided to teachers, supporting staff and students’ associations regarding the ways to proper mainstreaming of autistic children. In such a case, autistic children are disregarded and no attention is given to their needs. They feel sad, depressed and may get detached with the school environment.

It is also seen that the autistic children do not take initiation to interact and be friends with other children. Besides the fact that they are surrounded by their peers, they are disinterested in conversing with them. Many a times, the general educational classroom environment overstimulates them. The loud noise of peers, colorful materials and fast-paced talking of other children are disturbing and painful for them. The physical organization of classroom disorients them and they are not able to decide where to go and what route to take. Their physical and psychological equilibrium is disturbed due to this overstimulating environment. This makes them further unwilling to engage in activities with their peers and leave them aloof and shelved.

Further, children with autism have cognitive impairments due to which they are not able to cope up with the general curriculum. Language deficits make them unable to understand verbal instructions of the teacher clearly. Poor and slow imitation keep them at a distance from their peers in classroom activities. They require individualized instructions of a special educator who can present information in a form that they can comprehend. They require prompts and cues to understand and perform the tasks. At times, they need to be skilled in a special activity which is not possible in a regular classroom.

The training of regular teachers is also an issue worth considering. The research indicates that the regular classroom teachers are not sufficiently trained to educate autistic children along with their neurotypical peers. They are apprehensive of classroom modifications and required support services for autistic children. There is a dearth of arrangements in the schools such that both regular classroom teacher and the special educator can perform their individual roles in inculcating appropriate skills in these children.

There are benefits and drawbacks of mainstreaming and full inclusion of autistic children. Till date, disadvantages outweigh advantages. However, future research should propose an integrated model so that mainstreaming can help these autistic children to better adapt in their academic, social and occupational environments.

7. Famous People with Autism

The following are a list of some well known personalities who had Autism.

People with Autism
People with Autism

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Psychological Facts | Interesting Human Psychology Facts Everyone Needs To Know

Interesting psychology facts

The fact which many people believe that ‘psychology is a common sense’ is actually a misnomer. Students embarking on the discipline of psychology know that it is a scientific field that understands human behavior based on empirical research. The field of psychology understands functioning of human mind based on psychology facts and realities of experiments and research. Before we glance into psychology as a rigorous, objective and scientific domain, reflect on the answer to a question that you hear often, “Do judgements or impressions made about strangers during the first few moments of interaction are reliable and accurate?” It has been observed that in response to the question asked; about 68% of people reply ‘No’. Their common sense intuitive understanding makes them reason and justify that first impression cannot give a reliable and accurate understanding about the stranger. It requires a longer time duration in which a person can be completely known and predicted accurately in terms of behavior. psychology fun facts However, a social psychologist from his understanding of the research based on ‘social perception’ knows that in most cases, impression formed about a stranger is usually accurate and correct. Most of the forthcoming exchange of relationship is dependent upon the initial few dialogical conversation and impression formation. Thus, knowledge in psychology discipline is research-generated in which questions are investigated through hypothesis testing before arriving at conclusions. Psychologists use a range of tools, techniques and assessments to transform or authenticate myths popularly related with the field.

Human Psychology Facts

psychology interesting facts In the understanding of a common man, psychologists are often viewed as experts who have the ability to read the mind of others, or to say it more specifically, the personality. Though it is true that psychologists study individual differences in terms of personality traits and types, it is not the only thing that psychology is all about. In fact, personality psychology is one of the many sub-fields of psychology. There are many other branches or sub-disciplines of psychology. As the dynamicity of human behavior is continuously evolving, so are expanding the sub-fields of psychology. Among many sub-domains, the major ones include social psychology, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, forensic psychology, business psychology, industrial /organizational psychology, school psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, biopsychology, experimental psychology, applied psychology etc. Besides, psychology is an interdisciplinary applied field studied with subjects like biology, philosophy, sociology, economics, political science, anthropology, law, media, advertising, consumer behavior and many others. Various colleges and universities across the globe offer interdisciplinary courses in psychology with other academic domains as a matter of interest in research as well as in practice. These domains are available for an aspirant to study or to do psychology research, in various psychology colleges offering diploma in psychology, psychology major, master courses like MA Psychology, doctorate courses like PhD in psychology, depending on what school psychology program one is looking for. These psychology domains are being practiced by a working professional at various levels which is not limited to but may include psychology internships or associates, counseling psychology, research and teaching jobs in psychology, corporate jobs in psychology etc.

Facts about psychology

cool psychology factsYet another psychology random facts related with the subject is its applicability in day to day life. Psychology researches are based on questions and hypothesis related with everyday life events. Consider an example of studying the impact of media violence on aggression in children or investigating frustration as the root cause of anger and violence. A psychologist picks up and explores real world issues and problems and tries to solve them by describing, explaining, predicting, modifying and improving behavior. In such an endeavor, the aim is not just to treat or cure deviant abnormal behaviors like depression, anxiety or schizophrenia, but to enrich normal positive behaviors as well. It is to be noted that since the advent of an independent discipline of psychology, the field was known for understanding, diagnosing and treating psychological disorders only. However, in the contemporary times, the myth of psychology as a discipline for curing abnormal behaviors is also wrecked.

Psychology random facts

With the emergence of sub-domains like health psychology, positive psychology and transpersonal psychology, the discipline is now widely acknowledged for studying positive human behaviors and functioning in terms of hope, compassion, love for all, resilience, positive emotions and self-actualization. Thus, the widely encompassing discipline studies normal as well as abnormal behaviors and contributes to the well-being and flourishing of human beings in all respects.

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