Psychology Masters Programs | Careers With MA Masters Psychology Degree Programs

In this article about MA in Psychology, I am going to cover some of the sub disciplines of psychology to give you a quick and brief overview of the subject so that you get an idea on it. It is going to help specially to those who are still exploring different branches of psychology and are unsure about the program, respective psychology colleges and job prospects. So let’s get started.

MA Psychology

Psychology courses require students to develop critical understanding of facts and learn applied skills in the context of its setting. Students aspiring to pursue a masters degree in psychology and have career in the discipline must prepare their mind in advance about the specialized programs or sub-disciplines to excel. Nowadays, graduate psychology students can pursue master’s degree in a variety of areas to explore the facts related to human cognition, emotions, and behavior.

masters in school psychology
Psychology Degree

Some of the popular choices for students to earn a masters degree programs in psychology are listed below:

MA Industrial Organizational Psychology

MSc / M.A. in Business Psychology (Industrial Organizational Psychology): M.A. in Business Psychology offers a blend of application of psychological principles of human behavior to understand organizations and its functional elements. Business psychologists work directly with management and employees with the aim of accomplishing organizational mission, goals and vision and making the workplace productive.

ma in psychology jobs
MA in Industrial Organizational Psychology
ma in industrial psychology
MA in Business Psychology

MA In Applied Psychology

M.A. in Applied Psychology: The Masters in applied psychology prepares students to apply theoretical principles and facts of psychology to solve everyday problems in various walks of life. It challenges students to apply psychological research and intellect to solve problems like drug-addiction, prejudice, environmental threats, terrorism, failing relationships, social justice etc. The discipline is specifically meant for understanding and resolving practical human aspects related to social, community and environmental issues.

ma in educational psychology
MA in Applied Psychology
ma degree in psychology
Masters in Applied Psychology

MA In Forensic Psychology

M.A / M.S in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behaviour: Forensic Psychology deals with assessment, diagnosis, treatment and interventions related to criminal behaviours. A psychologist expert in forensic science deals with criminals, offenders, prisoners and professionals working in the field of law, judiciary, administrative and penal systems. They address psychosocial problems of various stakeholders who are directly or indirectly related to civil or criminal litigations. A student interested in pursuing forensic psychology graduate program should consider enrolling to a forensic psychology school that gives specialized and integrated knowledge in broadly three domains: (a) Law, Legal and Judiciary systems, (b) Forensic Science and (c) Clinical disorders and delinquent behaviours.

ma in psychology programs
MA in Forensic Psychology
ma in criminal psychology
Masters in Forensic Psychology

See also  Forensic Psychology Graduate Degree Programs | Criminal Profiling Courses Information Requirements In Psych Schools & Colleges

MA In Clinical Psychology

M.A / M.S. in Clinical Psychology: One of the most popular choices among various psychology sub-disciplines, MA in Clinical Psychology opens a way for its aspirants to become a clinical psychologist. It equips students to become a professional in diagnosing, assessing and treating mental health disorders. As a clinical psychologist, a student is also expected to excel in applying interventions and give psychotherapy to treat and cure patients.

ma in psychology distance learning 
MA in Clinical Psychology
ma in psychology distance education 
Masters in Clinical Psychology

MA In Counseling Psychology

M.A in Counseling Psychology: M.A. in counseling psychology is a course that prepares students to become professional counselors. Equipped with counseling theories, practices and applications, the field grooms its students by training them in prevention, intervention and remediation of stress and stress-related disorders. After completing masters in counseling psychology, a student may pursue licensed courses to specialize in fields like career counseling, marriage counseling, relationship counseling, crisis intervention counseling, therapeutic counseling etc.

ma in psychology online
MA in Counseling Psychology
online ma in psychology
Masters in Counseling Psychology

Applied Cognitive Psychology

M.Sc in Cognitive Neuropsychology: The M.Sc in Cognitive neuropsychology is a degree that teaches brain-behaviour relationship. The field explores biological basis of behaviour by studying physiological neuro-endocrine system and its role in human cognition, emotions and actions. The students learn about healthy and abnormal working of brain in normal cases and patients to investigate the role of neuronal network in human psyche. Cognitive neuropsychologists use a variety of brain and neuroimaging techniques like MRI, fMRI, CAT scans, EEG etc. to study the elements of language, perception and cognition.

eligibility for ma in psychology
MA in Applied Cognitive Psychology
ma in psychology salary
Masters in Applied Cognitive Psychology

MA In Child Psychology

M.A. in Developmental and Child Psychology: Understanding the psychological processes across the life span of a human being, from cradle to graveyard, is a specialized domain of a developmental psychologist. As a child psychologist, they study physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development amongst children traversing to the adolescent age group. They also apply specialized knowledge to understand issues and concerns of adulthood like midlife crisis, empty-nest syndrome etc. As a gerontologist, they study aging and age-related physical, social, emotional and financial issues. The field is vast and encompasses a wide variety of specializations unique to a specific age group.

jobs for ma in psychology
MA in Child Psychology
ma programs in psychology 
Masters in Child Psychology

MA In School Psychology

M.A / MSc in School Psychology: A school psychologist is professionally trained to work and collaborate with tripartite stakeholders-students, teachers and families. They are trained to work with children and youth throughout their academic lives and help in improving their academic performance. Besides, they are the experts who effectively deal with issues of school-going and college-going students like bullying, smoking, drug abuse, alcoholism, family trauma etc. that might impact the physical and mental health of children. Working with teachers and school administrators, they create a safe, learning and supportive academic environment.

ma in social psychology
MA in School Psychology
ma programs in psychology
Masters in School Psychology

MA In Sports Psychology

M.A. in Sports Psychology: The performance-related disorders of sportsmen and players are primarily due to psychological aspects of behaviour. Sports psychologists are academically trained professionals who help Olympians, athletes, footballers, cricketers and other players to effectively deal with performance lags. They apply psychological principles of classical conditioning and learning to improve the performance of players. Cognitive imagery and mirroring techniques are used to help players deal with pressure and strains. Team-dynamics, group psychology and collective behaviour are some of other arenas in which a sports psychologist is trained.

counseling psychology
MA in Sports Psychology
sports psychology
Masters in Sports Psychology

Psychology Careers

Generally, a masters degree requires 2-3 years of time to complete. Students are expected to do internships and take up research assistant and associate positions while pursuing masters. The job opportunities with a M.A. or M.S. degree in psychology are tremendous. The Master’s degree also opens avenue for advanced-level psychology degrees like PhD and Psy.D. Various universities also offer online psychology master’s degrees these days.

See also  Types of Psychology Courses | Different Types of Psychology Degrees

Thus, psychology master degree is a wide-ranging career path leading to many successful trails.

I hope this article would have helped you in gaining important information about masters degree in psychology in various sub-disciplines. If you wish to know more on anything specific, leave me a note below.

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8 thoughts on “Psychology Masters Programs | Careers With MA Masters Psychology Degree Programs”

  1. Anubhuti Singh says:

    Very informative post!

  2. Anubhuti Singh says:

    Very informative post!

  3. Thank you Anubhuti. Appreciate for your time to read my post.

  4. Suren singh says:

    This is what I was looking for. Thanks for writing this.

  5. Thank you so much. Cleared it for me

  6. Great information…
    i am an MBA (finance). But i want to take pshychology as my carrier further, as i am very much interested in human behavior and their respective actions. I believe i can help people… i believe i can do counseling and help the people who are suffering because of stress, depression and all..
    I want to do ph.d in pshychology. Do i need to do mPhil before phd? And i believe i can take pshychology without having the pshychology background. So do i need to do any course to have little subjective idea of psychology?? Or any online course for pshychology?

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