Psychological Facts | Interesting Human Psychology Facts Everyone Needs To Know

Interesting psychology facts

The fact which many people believe that ‘psychology is a common sense’ is actually a misnomer. Students embarking on the discipline of psychology know that it is a scientific field that understands human behavior based on empirical research. The field of psychology understands functioning of human mind based on psychology facts and realities of experiments and research. Before we glance into psychology as a rigorous, objective and scientific domain, reflect on the answer to a question that you hear often, “Do judgements or impressions made about strangers during the first few moments of interaction are reliable and accurate?” It has been observed that in response to the question asked; about 68% of people reply ‘No’. Their common sense intuitive understanding makes them reason and justify that first impression cannot give a reliable and accurate understanding about the stranger. It requires a longer time duration in which a person can be completely known and predicted accurately in terms of behavior. psychology fun facts However, a social psychologist from his understanding of the research based on ‘social perception’ knows that in most cases, impression formed about a stranger is usually accurate and correct. Most of the forthcoming exchange of relationship is dependent upon the initial few dialogical conversation and impression formation. Thus, knowledge in psychology discipline is research-generated in which questions are investigated through hypothesis testing before arriving at conclusions. Psychologists use a range of tools, techniques and assessments to transform or authenticate myths popularly related with the field.

Human Psychology Facts

psychology interesting facts In the understanding of a common man, psychologists are often viewed as experts who have the ability to read the mind of others, or to say it more specifically, the personality. Though it is true that psychologists study individual differences in terms of personality traits and types, it is not the only thing that psychology is all about. In fact, personality psychology is one of the many sub-fields of psychology. There are many other branches or sub-disciplines of psychology. As the dynamicity of human behavior is continuously evolving, so are expanding the sub-fields of psychology. Among many sub-domains, the major ones include social psychology, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, forensic psychology, business psychology, industrial /organizational psychology, school psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, biopsychology, experimental psychology, applied psychology etc. Besides, psychology is an interdisciplinary applied field studied with subjects like biology, philosophy, sociology, economics, political science, anthropology, law, media, advertising, consumer behavior and many others. Various colleges and universities across the globe offer interdisciplinary courses in psychology with other academic domains as a matter of interest in research as well as in practice. These domains are available for an aspirant to study or to do psychology research, in various psychology colleges offering diploma in psychology, psychology major, master courses like MA Psychology, doctorate courses like PhD in psychology, depending on what school psychology program one is looking for. These psychology domains are being practiced by a working professional at various levels which is not limited to but may include psychology internships or associates, counseling psychology, research and teaching jobs in psychology, corporate jobs in psychology etc.

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Facts about psychology

cool psychology factsYet another psychology random facts related with the subject is its applicability in day to day life. Psychology researches are based on questions and hypothesis related with everyday life events. Consider an example of studying the impact of media violence on aggression in children or investigating frustration as the root cause of anger and violence. A psychologist picks up and explores real world issues and problems and tries to solve them by describing, explaining, predicting, modifying and improving behavior. In such an endeavor, the aim is not just to treat or cure deviant abnormal behaviors like depression, anxiety or schizophrenia, but to enrich normal positive behaviors as well. It is to be noted that since the advent of an independent discipline of psychology, the field was known for understanding, diagnosing and treating psychological disorders only. However, in the contemporary times, the myth of psychology as a discipline for curing abnormal behaviors is also wrecked.

Psychology random facts

With the emergence of sub-domains like health psychology, positive psychology and transpersonal psychology, the discipline is now widely acknowledged for studying positive human behaviors and functioning in terms of hope, compassion, love for all, resilience, positive emotions and self-actualization. Thus, the widely encompassing discipline studies normal as well as abnormal behaviors and contributes to the well-being and flourishing of human beings in all respects.

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